UniprotKB | Comprehensive protein knowledgebase, includes manually curated SwissProt and automatically annotated TrEMBL  |
Protein Information Resource | Integrated public bioinformatics resource to support genomic, proteomic and systems biology research and scientific studies  |
GenPept | Collection of sequences from several sources, including translations from annotated coding regions in GenBank, RefSeq and TPA, as well as records from SwissProt, PIR, PRF, and PDB  |
ENSEMBL | Genome databases for vertebrates and other eukaryotic species  |
CATH/Gene3D | 16 million protein domains classified into 2,626 superfamilies  |
InterPro | Classification of proteins into families and prediction of domains and sites.  |
PFAM | Collection of protein families, each represented by multiple sequence alignments and hidden Markov models (HMMs)  |
ProDom | Comprehensive set of Protein Domain Families  |
ProSite | Database of Protein Families and Domains  |
SCOP | Structural Classification of Proteins and Astral  |
SFLD | Structure-Function Linkage Database: hierarchical classification of enzyme superfamilies.  |
SUPERFAMILY | Database of structural and functional annotation for all proteins and genomes  |
SMART | Allows the identification and annotation of genetically mobile domains and the analysis of domain architectures  |
MEME | Motif-based sequence analysis tools  |
PRINTS | Compendium of protein fingerprints/conserved motifs used to characterize a protein family  |
GeneCensus | Gerstein Lab Resources |
AlignMe | Alignment of membrane proteins  |
ClustalW | Progressive alignment  |
COMPASS | Multiple Protein sequence alignments with assessment of statistical significance  |
EXPRESSO | Multiple sequence alignment of sequences and structures  |
FFAS | Sensitive profile-profile alignment tool  |
GenTHREADER | Sequence profile and predicted secondary structure  |
HHBlits/HHSearch | Homology detection by iterative HMM-HMM comparison  |
MUSCLE | Progressive/iterative alignment  |
MUSTER | profile-profile alignment  |
Promals3D | Multiple protein sequence/structure alignments using secondary structure prediction, available homologs with 3D structures and user-defined constraints.  |
PSI-Blast | Position-specific iterative BLAST  |
Salign | Multiple protein sequence/structure alignment  |
Staccato | Constructs multiple sequence alignment of sets of sequences and structures which is consistent with a structural alignment of the structure set.  |
T-Coffee | Sensitive progressive alignment  |
MAFFT | Rapid multiple sequence alignment based on fast Fourier transform  |
CE | A method for comparing and aligning protein structures  |
HHSearch | Sensitive pairwise comparison of profile Hidden Markov models  |
Mammuth | Sequence-independent protein structural alignment method  |
Mammuth-mult | Multiple alignment version of MAMOTH  |
Multiprot | Multiple structural alignments of protein structures by detecting the common geometrical cores between the input molecules  |
Salign | Multiple protein sequence/structure alignment  |
TM-align | Highly optimized algorithm for protein structure comparison and alignment  |
GANGSTA+ | Protein structure alignment tool and database  |
MASS | Efficient method for multiple alignment of protein structures and detection of structural motifs.  |
MUSTANG | Multiple structural alignment algorithm  |
PDBeFold | 3D alignment of protein structures |
3D-JIGSAW | Fragment assembly  |
Fugue | Sequence-structure homology recognition  |
HHPred | Sensitive protein homology detection and structure prediction by HMM-HMM-comparison  |
i-Tasser | Threading fragment structure reassembly  |
IntFOLD | Integrated Protein Structure and Function Prediction Server  |
M4T | Comparative Modelling using a combination of multiple templates and iterative optimization of alternative alignments  |
ModWeb | Comparative modeling server based on Modeller  |
Phyre2 | Protein homology/analogy recognition engine  |
RaptorX | Remote homology detection, protein 3D modeling, binding site prediction  |
Robetta | Rosetta homology modeling and ab initio fragment assembly with Ginzu domain prediction  |
SwissModel | Local similarity/fragment assembly  |
Cameo Quality Estimation | Participating Groups in the Cameo QE project |
ModEval | Estimates model quality by estimating the native overlap, and by computing scores and profile based on statistical potentials: TSVMod, zDOPE, GA341, zDOPE-Profile  |
ProQ2 | Support Vector machine based predictor  |
Prosa 2003 | Knowledge-based potentials of mean force.  |
QMEAN Local | Composite scoring function describing five different structural descriptors  |
SwissModel Workspace | Several assessment tools to estimate the quality and structural features of protein models and template structures: Dfire, Procheck, DSSP, Promotif, Anolea, Gromos, QMEANS6  |
Verify 3D | Measures the compatibility of a protein model with its sequence using a 3D profile.  |
What_Check | Protein verification tools |
ModFold | Model Quality Assessment Server |
ProSA-web | Protein-Structure Analysis |
Kinemage | 3D Macromolecule analysis, includes Kinemage 3D graphics, Rampage for Ramachandran plot generation, MolProbity structure validation, and more |