1st Panamerican Congress on Zoonoses La Plata, BA, Argentina Teatro Argentino 10-12 May 2006
We very cordially invite you to attend the 1st PanAmerican Congress on Zoonoses, 5th Argentine Congress on Zoonoses, and 2nd Zoonoses Congress of the Province of Buenos Aires.
The Argentine Congress takes place every other year. For 2006, the Argentine Congress and the 1st PanAmerican Congress will be combined to allow for the participation of a larger number of professionals from the region dedicated to research, prevention, and control of these diseases.
The Scientific Committee invites you and colleagues to submit abstracts. The deadline for their submission is 15 Nov 2005, with complete presentations submitted by 15 Mar 2006.
For more information, contact: Dr Oscar P Larghi Fray Lamas 248 1706 Haedo, BA, ARGENTINA tel: 54 11 4460 2089 fax: 54 11 4443 2971 oplarghi@speedy.com.ar http://www.zoonosis2006.com
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participants (1)
Dr. Alfonso J. Rodriguez