Dear All,
Some of you have asked for a TDI Wiki. The journal NATURE has now set up a site for us. You can find it at http://nurture.nature.com/wikis/tdi/FrontPage. Registration (Click on the "User Preferences" button) is optional, but will let people know who-made-which-comment, etc.
Like any scientific venture, the success of TDI depends on the quality of ideas. So please, participate. TDI is a new type of collaboration that needs new thinking. What diseases should we study? Where can on-line biologists make the biggest contributions? What kinds of projects can we organize? And above all, what questions have I overlooked?
The beauty of open source is that it goes where people want it to. You are the people.
See you on-line.
Andrej Arti Steve
participants (1)
Stephen Mark Maurer