Having recently bought "Introduction to bioinformatics" and already about half-way through I can strongly recommend it to anyone from a comp sci background. (http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0199277877/qid=1115633791/sr=8-6/r ef=sr_8_xs_ap_i6_xgl/202-7688707-7559031) As I've been reading through the book I've been writing small programs that extend the examples given in the book, it's been great fun and informative. The chapter on Drug Discovery is still some 80 pages away but I'll be there soon!
One thing that has come to mind whilst reading is the need for some sort of IT infrastructure for the TDi project, in particular a database and perhaps a source code control area (perhaps using sourceforge.net). Any thoughts on this?
I was thinking of moving onto the following book (http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/1859960545/ref=pd_sim_b_dp_1/202-7 688707-7559031) Does anyone have any suggestions on something better?
Regards, Jake