From: Anthony F. England, Ph.D. To: england@mangosee.com Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2005 12:00 AM Subject: Conference Announcement - Kinetoplastid Diseases 2006 - Trypanosomiasis & Leishmaniasis
Dear Colleagues --
It's my pleasure to announce the dates and details of Kinetoplastid Diseases 2006, in this first call for participants and presenters of both oral and poster contributions for what will be a uniquely styled and very special international research meeting to be held in West Africa next spring:
KINETOPLASTID DISEASES 2006 - Starts on Saturday March 11th, 2006 in Dakar, Senegal Meeting Details are on the Internet - http://www.mangosee.com/mangosteen/kinetoplastids2006/kinetoplastids2006.htm
A True Forum for Discussion in 3 Parts, in 2 Venues, spanning 2 Neighbouring Nations and 2 very different Faces of Modern Africa:
Part 1 - Saturday, March 11th to Monday March 13th, 2006 in amongst the concrete and bustling activity of the big city - in the centre of Dakar, Senegal's capital.
Part 2 - Tuesday, March 14th and Wednesday, March 15th, 2006 also in Dakar's city centre.
Part 3 - Thursday, March 16th to Sunday, March 19th, 2006 in amongst the trees and tranquility of the countryside - in Tendaba, in The Gambia's heartland
Much obliged, Anthony England
============================================== Anthony F. England, Ph.D. Mangosteen Grote Rozenstraat 76B 9712 TJ Groningen The Netherlands Tel -- +31 50 313 0292 E-mail -- england@mangosee.com Mangosteen Home Page -- http://www.mangosee.com ==============================================
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