Dear Modpipe developers,
I cannot find the program TSVMod.
In changelog: "- Introduced flag to disable TSVMod calculation if needed - TSVMod scores are incorporated into ModPipe. Scores will be calculated for all structures. Additionally, when chosen as a gathering option, models with a predicted no35>0.4 will be selected. "
In the doc/modpipe.conf: "# - TSVMod executables TSVMODEXE /netapp/sali/ModPipe/database/TSVMod/programs/main/score_tsvmod.pl"
But I cannot find any "score_tsvmod.pl" in neither modpipe-2.2.0 nor modeller-9.9.
I tried to set it to OFF in my modpipe.conf: # - TSVMod executables TSVMODEXE OFF
But it still printing warnings: "MPLib::MPModules::GetModels__M> Number of alignments to process: 2 MPLib::MPModules::GetModels__M> Number of models calculated: 1 MPLib::MPModules::GetModels__M> Number of models calculated: 1 PLLib::TSVModUtils::ExecTSVMod__E> Could not find TSVMod executable: PLLib::TSVModUtils::ExecTSVMod__E> Could not find TSVMod executable: "
Where I can find the TSVMod program? Or how I can set it to off to not use it?
Thank you for your answer.
Best regards, Romain