In MODELLER 7v7 one was able to turn off model refinement using: SET MD_LEVEL = 'nothing'
I am curious if there is an analogous way to do this in 8v0? I've looked through the manual and examples and have not found a solution. Have I missed something simple?
Is there a way to implement the GA341 and DOPE methods of analysis during the same model building session? I'm also interested in using these analysis methods on other protein models and templates. Is there a quick way to read these models into MODELLER and let it analyze them?
Thank you Steve
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Stephen A. Smith wrote: > In MODELLER 7v7 one was able to turn off model > refinement using: > SET MD_LEVEL = 'nothing' > > I am curious if there is an analogous way to do this > in 8v0? I've looked through the manual and examples > and have not found a solution. Have I missed > something simple?
You just set it to the special Python value 'None', e.g. a = automodel(...) a.md_level = None
See http://salilab.org/modeller/manual/node35.html
> Is there a way to implement the GA341 and DOPE methods > of analysis during the same model building session?
I'm not sure what you mean. If you want to use both GA341 and DOPE to assess automodel models, then you just set assess_methods = (assess.GA341, assess.DOPE) when you create the automodel object - i.e. you can pass a list of methods, not just a single one. See http://salilab.org/modeller/manual/node34.html
> I'm also interested in using these analysis methods on > other protein models and templates. Is there a quick > way to read these models into MODELLER and let it > analyze them?
You can analyze an arbitrary PDB file with something like the following: env = environ() m = model(env, file='foo.pdb') score = m.assess_dope()
Replace assess_dope with assess_ga341 to use GA341 instead. (But read the note at http://salilab.org/modeller/manual/node153.html first; GA341 needs to know the sequence identity between model and template, which arbitrary PDB files may not have.)
DOPE is an unnormalized score, so it's best used within automodel to rank the generated models; scores for arbitrary PDBs are not generally comparable (just as with the Modeller scoring function).
Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker
participants (2)
Modeller Caretaker
Stephen A. Smith