Hi, I'm trying to model a large protein(763 amino acids) with a distant template obtained from mGenThreader...but when i run the model.py command (as shown in tutorial), i get the following: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Type 'mod8v2' to run Modeller.
C:\Modeller>mod8v2 c:\Mitra\Project_Experiments\the_align\theAlignment.top 'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
C:\Modeller>mod8v2 c:\Mitra\Project_Experiments\the_align\model.py 'import site' failed; use -v for traceback Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\Mitra\Project_Experiments\the_align\model.py", line 9, in ? a.make() File "C:\Modeller\modlib\modeller\automodel\automodel.py", line 100, in make self.homcsr(exit_stage) File "C:\Modeller\modlib\modeller\automodel\automodel.py", line 331, in homcsr
aln.check() File "C:\Modeller\modlib\modeller\alignment.py", line 153, in check io=io.modpt, libs=libs.modpt, **vars) File "C:\Modeller\modlib\modeller\util\top.py", line 37, in check_alignment return _modeller.check_alignment(aln, io, libs, *args) _modeller.error: check_a_335E> No alignment.
C:\Modeller> --------------------------------------------------------------------- I checked the alignment file, it seems okay to me...so i can't figure out what's going wrong. Can someone please tell me what could possibly be wrong with the alignment?
Thanks in advance Joy
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Joydeep wrote: > Hi, I'm trying to model a large protein(763 amino acids) with a > distant template obtained from mGenThreader...but when i run the > model.py command (as shown in tutorial), i get the following: > -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Type 'mod8v2' to run Modeller. _modeller.error: check_a_335E> No > alignment.
You should check the .log file for additional information. If this is not informative, please send your full files (i.e. input PDBs, Python script, and alignment) so we can figure out your problem - see http://salilab.org/modeller/manual/node11.html
Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker
participants (2)
Modeller Caretaker