Dear Modeller users,
I used Modeller for creation of the Chimeric proteins (linked from C to N termi) consisted of merged two tempates. Below you can see my aligment file for such task.
>P1;1gfl structureX:1gfl:1 ::238 : :::-1.00:-1.00 ASKGEELFTGVVPILVELDGDVNGHKFSVSGEGEGDATYGKLTLKFICTTGKLPVPWPTLVTTFSYGVQCFSRYPDHMKRHDFFKSAMPEGYVQERTIFFKDDGNYKTRAEVKFEGDTLVNRIELKGIDFKEDGNILGHKLEYNYNSHNVYIMADKQKNGIKVNFKIRHNIEDGSVQLADHYQQNTPIGDGPVLLPDNHYLSTQSALSKDPNEKRDHMVLLEFVTAAGITHGMDELYK----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
>P1;3u10 structureN:3u10:470 ::671 : :A::-1.00:-1.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DSSRRQYQEKYKQVEQYMSFHKLPADFRQKIHDYYEHRYQGKMFDEDSILGELNGPLREEIVNFNCRKLVASMPLFANADPNFVTAMLTKLKFEVFQPGDYIIREGTIGKKMYFIQHGVVSVLTKGNKEMKLSDGSYFGEICLLTRGRRTASVRADTYCRLYSLSVDNFNEVLEEYPMMRRAFETVAIDRLDRIGKKNSILL*
I wounder to know if it possible to add to my resulted chimeric protein some missed residues (commonly in N, C termi and loops regions) which are absent in both templates .In the above example in first PDB template 1-5 residues from N- term are absent (this residues are not listed in aligment file too). Does it posible to add to the final model ? Please provide me with some examples where modeller is used for the addition of missed loops and termi.
Thanks for help,

On 1/16/14 10:07 AM, James Starlight wrote: > I wounder to know if it possible to add to my resulted chimeric protein > some missed residues (commonly in N, C termi and loops regions) which > are absent in both templates .
Sure, that's straightforward; you basically build a model of the whole sequence using the partial sequence as your template. See http://salilab.org/modeller/wiki/Missing%20residues for an example.
Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker
participants (2)
James Starlight
Modeller Caretaker