I will compile a Linux version that allows more templates. Please look for it on our ftp site a little later today. You will probably need to increase your swap space size and possibly also do 'limit stacksize 256000' as root and run it as root ...
I agree with you that Linux on PCs is the way to go!
Version 5, due in a couple of weeks, has dynamic memory allocation and does not have such size problems.
Best, Andrej
> Dear Sali, > > I m very interested to run modeler with 6 or seven templates on a PC with > LINUX. > Is there a possibility to do this. (I have seen only the number 5 for PCs > and and a higher number for SGIs > in your handbook, but I think to use a PC for the modelerjob is very > usefull, bacause I tested, that a PII 450MHz has nearly double the speed of > a SGI R10000 O2 in calculating with modeler). > > Your help is welcome. > > Yours Volker >
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