another stack overflow

Hellow everybody, here is another type of stack overflow problem.i am sure that it is different than from the previous one. on my computer when i first installed the modeller7v7 and run it i got the same stack overflow problem as discussed previously in our mail group. and then i could rectify that as suggested by the is working fine when i used "full_homol" routein. however when i try to use the "full_homol" routein coupled with the Heteroatoms (copper; NAG;o), water etc inculded i get the stack overflow problem after couple of minuts and the message displayed below is shoen on screen
====================================================================== on screen errpr msg ====================================================================== C:\Program Files\Modeller7v7\examples\tutorial-model\fox1> forrtl: severe (170): Program Exception - stack overflow Image PC Routine Line Source mod7v7.exe 00507271 Unknown Unknown Unknown mod7v7.exe 004FEA3E Unknown Unknown Unknown mod7v7.exe 004589DE Unknown Unknown Unknown mod7v7.exe 0040653E Unknown Unknown Unknown mod7v7.exe 0040F5BB Unknown Unknown Unknown mod7v7.exe 006A564B Unknown Unknown Unknown mod7v7.exe 006EDB39 Unknown Unknown Unknown mod7v7.exe 006DC824 Unknown Unknown Unknown kernel32.dll 7C816D4F Unknown Unknown Unknown
C:\Program Files\Modeller7v7\examples\tutorial-model\fox1> ======================================================================= *********************************************************************** My top file: ( isuspect this file) *********************************************************************** # A sample TOP file for fully automated comparative modeling INCLUDE # include MODELLER routines SET ATOM_FILES_DIRECTORY = './:../fox1' # directory with input atom files SET SEGFILE = 'fox1.seg' # input file w/ templates and target SET KNOWNS = '1KCW' # templates' PDB codes SET SEQUENCE = 'fox1' # target code SET OUTPUT_CONTROL = 1 1 1 1 2 SET STARTING_MODEL = 1 SET ENDING_MODEL = 1 SET TOPOLOGY_MODEL = 1, HYDROGEN_IO = ON, HETATM_IO = on, WATER_IO = ON SET TOPLIB = '$(LIB)/top.lib' SET PARLIB = '$(LIB)/par.lib' CALL ROUTINE = 'full_homol' # get alignment and a model ************************************************************************* can any one please help me with the problem. am i correct in making my top file. log file does not show any error messages. thanking you. yours truely. raja
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