Hello, Is it possible de use PSIPRED program on a sequence and then use the output file, directly in MODELLER for it to generate MODELS using psipred's predictions as constraints ? If not, how can i use secondary prediction as constraint in MODELLER ?
Thanks in advance,
Olivia Doppelt
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doppelt olivia wrote: > Is it possible de use PSIPRED program on a sequence and then use the > output file, > directly in MODELLER for it to generate MODELS using psipred's predictions > as constraints ?
Not directly - you would have to write a short Python script to parse the output from PSIPRED, or do it manually.
> If not, how can i use secondary prediction as constraint in MODELLER ?
See http://salilab.org/modeller/FAQ.html#12
Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker
participants (2)
doppelt olivia
Modeller Caretaker