regarding multiple sequence alignment

I have aligned three homologous protein sequences by , but the alignment file obtained is not accurate. Can anyone tell me which script should I use for multiple sequence alignment.
thanks Shilpi

On 07/01/2009 05:33 AM, shilpi wrote: > I have aligned three homologous protein sequences by > , but the alignment file obtained is not > accurate. Can anyone tell me which script should I use for multiple > sequence alignment.
That is not surprising - profile-profile alignment aligns two blocks of previously-aligned sequences (two profiles). For example, in the Modeller examples/salign/ directory aligns two profiles read from mega_prune.faa; the first contains 15 sequences (align_block=15) and the second contains the remaining sequences from mega_prune.faa.
For multiple alignment, if you have structures, use or If you only have sequences, either use malign or modify the salign parameters in your existing script - at a minimum you need to change align_what='BLOCK', alignment_type='TREE' and similarity_flag=False, and remove align_block.
Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker
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Modeller Caretaker