where can I get file.crv file.cav by write_date

Dear Modeller Users and Developers,
The WRITE_DATA command can write the selected types of data (such as PSA DIH NGH SSM CRV CAV CROSS-SECTIONS) about the MODEL to a corresponding file. The example script write_data.top in the path 'modeller7v7/example/commands' is:
# Example for: WRITE_DATA
# This will calculate solvent accessibility, dihedral angles, and # residue-residue neighbors for a structure in the PDB file.
# Get topology library for radii and the model without waters and # HETATMs: READ_TOPOLOGY FILE = '$(LIB)/top_heav.lib' SET HETATM_IO = off, WATER_IO = off READ_MODEL FILE = '1fas'
# Calculate residue solvent accessibilities, dihedral angles, and # residue-residue neighbors: SET RADII_FACTOR = 1.0 # The default is 0.82 (for soft-sphere restraints) WRITE_DATA FILE = '1fas', OUTPUT = 'PSA DIH NGH SSM CRV'
After I run this script, I can get corresponding files: 1fas.dih 1fas.ngh 1fas.psa 1fas.sol 1fas.ssm. However, when I changed the last line "WRITE_DATA FILE = '1fas', OUTPUT = 'PSA DIH NGH SSM CRV'" into "WRITE_DATA FILE = '1fas', OUTPUT = 'ALL'" or "WRITE_DATA FILE = '1fas', OUTPUT = 'CRV CAV CROSS-SECTIONS'", I can not find 1fas.crv, 1fas.cav in the ouput directory. And there is no information on writing 1fas.crv and 1fas.cav in write_data.log file. Where can I get these two files or information about mainchain curvatures and protein internal cavity volums? is it a bug?
Best regards
Shuqun Liu

On Thu, Oct 21, 2004 at 01:16:32AM +0800, Shu-Qun Liu wrote: > The WRITE_DATA command can write the selected > types of data (such as PSA DIH NGH SSM CRV CAV CROSS-SECTIONS) > about the MODEL to a corresponding file. ... > I can not find 1fas.crv, 1fas.cav in the ouput directory. And there is no > information on writing 1fas.crv and 1fas.cav in write_data.log file. > Where can I get these two files or information about mainchain > curvatures and protein internal cavity volums? is it a bug?
Yes, it is a bug. If you request CRV then you will not get a .crv file. The Biso field of the model is still set with the values, however, so you just need to call WRITE_MODEL afterwards.
The cavity code is not yet fully functional, and is not enabled in this release, so if you request CAV, you won't get anything produced.
Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker
participants (2)
Modeller Caretaker
Shu-Qun Liu