[Fwd: How to optimize & refine the conformation of the mutant side chain along with the backbone by using modeller (mutate_model.py ) ?]

Dear All,
I hope you all know that there is script available in modeller "mutate_model.py". To generate a mutant models and then optimize the mutated residue following refinement in sidechain alone but I want to make this process (optimization/refinement) including the backbone/near residues instead of restricting only with sidechain.
So, Does anyone know how to modify the default script
I hope the modification needs on the following lines (139 to 153)
#only optimize the selected residue (in first pass, just atoms in selected #residue, in second pass, include nonbonded neighboring atoms) #set up the mutate residue selection segment #s = selection(mdl1.chains[chain].residues[respos]) s = selection(mdl1.chains[chain].residues[respos])
mdl1.restraints.unpick_all() mdl1.restraints.pick(s)
mdl1.env.edat.nonbonded_sel_atoms=2 optimize(s,sched)
Thanking you in advance
participants (1)
Mahesh Velusamy