Hello Modeller users
I'm trying to model a homotrimeric molecule.
The template is a trimer with speudosymmetry making the three molecules identical.
I would like to include this pseudosymmetry in the model forcing the three molecules to be identical.
In the manual I found the DEFINE_SYMMETRY command, but this seems to me mainly to be for dimers.
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated
Best regards
Kim Vilbour Andersen
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kim Vilbour Andersen, PhD Principal Scientist Maxygen Agern Allé 1 DK-2970 Hørsholm Denmark
NB! Maxygen Denmark was previously known as ProFound Pharma A/S
Tel: +45 7020 5550 Direct: +45 4517 8473 Fax: +45 7020 5530
E-mail: kva@maxygen.dk http://www.maxygen.dk/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
KVA (Kim Vilbour Andersen)