divide__213E> Division by zero, during seq. search

Dear modeller users. I'm currently blocked by an unusual problem. Running modeller for sequence search, it ends with a Divide__213E> Division by zero, error. I don't have a clue of whats wrong or where to start bugtracking. Hope that somebody can help me.
My NR2BS1S2.ali >P1;NR2BS1S2 sequence:NR2BS1S2:::::::0.00: 0.00 qeddhlsiVtleeapfvivesvdplsgtcmrntvpcqkrivtenktdeepgyikkcckgf cidilkkisksvkftydlylvtngkhgkkingtwngmigevvmkraymavgsltineers evvdfsvpfietgisvmvskgtqvsglsdkkfqrpndfsppfrfgtvpngsternirnny aemhaymgkfnqrgvddallslktgkldafiydaavlnymagrdegcklvtigsgkvfas tgygiaiqkdsgwkrqvdlailqlfgdgemeelealwltgichne*
My seq_search.top #Modeller file SET SEARCH_RANDOMIZATIONS = 100 SEQUENCE_SEARCH FILE = 'NR2BS1S2.ali', ALIGN_CODES = 'NR2BS1S2', DATA_FILE = on
last 55 lines of seq_search.log (7392993 bytes)
seqsearc_> 3781 NR2BS1 1khhA 285 193 1 0.35 0.52 1718.00
_aln.pos 10 20 30 40 50 60 NR2BS1S2 --------------------qeddhlsiV- tleeapfvivesvdplsgtcmrntvpcqkrivtenktd 1khhA RWETPYMHSLAAAAASRGGR-------- VL-------------------------------------- _consrvd *
_aln.p 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 NR2BS1S2 eepgyikkcckgfcidilkkisksvkftydlylvtngkhgkkingtwngmigevvmkraymavgslti 1khhA -------------------------------------------------------------------- _consrvd
_aln.pos 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 NR2BS1S2 neersevvdfsvpfietgisvmvskgtqvsglsdkkfqrpndfs------------------------ 1khhA -------------------------------------------- EVGFGMAIAASRVQQAPIKEHWII _consrvd
_aln.pos 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 NR2BS1S2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1khhA ECNDGVFQRLQNWALKQPHKVVPLKGLWEEVAPTLPDGHFDGILYDTYPLSEETWHTHQFNFIKTHAF _consrvd
_aln.pos 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 NR2BS1S2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1khhA RLLKPGGILTYCNLTSWGELMKSKYTDITAMFEETQVPALLEAGFQRENICTEVMALVPPADCRYYAF _consrvd
_aln.pos 350 360 370 380 390 400 NR2BS1S2 ----------- ppfrfgtvpngsternirnnyaemhaymgkfnqrgvddallslktgkldafiydaav 1khhA PQMITPLVTKH--------------------------------------------------------- _consrvd
_aln.p 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 NR2BS1S2 lnymagrdegcklvtigsgkvfastgygiaiqkdsgwkrqvdlailqlfgdgemeelealwltgichn 1khhA -------------------------------------------------------------------- _consrvd
_aln.pos NR2BS1S2 e 1khhA - _consrvd divide__213E> Division by zero; divisor = 0.0000 recover____E> ERROR_STATUS >= STOP_ON_ERROR: 1 1
Dynamically allocated memory at finish [B,kB,MB]: 110299725 107714.578 105.190 Starting time : 2004/02/10 08:58:58.125 Closing time : 2004/02/10 09:11:00.162 Total CPU time [seconds] : 722.10

On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 09:15:53 +0100 Esben Jannik Bjerrum esbenjannik@rocketmail.com wrote: > I'm currently blocked by an unusual problem. Running modeller > for sequence search, it ends with a Divide__213E> Division by zero,
> My NR2BS1S2.ali > >P1;NR2BS1S2 > sequence:NR2BS1S2:::::::0.00: 0.00 > qeddhlsiVtleeapfvivesvdplsgtcmrntvpcqkrivtenktdeepgyikkcckgf > cidilkkisksvkftydlylvtngkhgkkingtwngmigevvmkraymavgsltineers > evvdfsvpfietgisvmvskgtqvsglsdkkfqrpndfsppfrfgtvpngsternirnny > aemhaymgkfnqrgvddallslktgkldafiydaavlnymagrdegcklvtigsgkvfas > tgygiaiqkdsgwkrqvdlailqlfgdgemeelealwltgichne*
For superstitious reasons, perhaps, I usually use capital letters for the amino-acids, and put the residue numbers in the 'sequence:NR2PBS1S2:.' line.
Your error looks like it is due to an alignment that is too small, since it appears that only the 'V' is aligned, despite the obvious homology between both sequences.
_______________________________________________________________________ Dr JB Procter:Biomolecular Modelling at ZBH - Center for Bioinformatics Hamburg http://www.zbh.uni-hamburg.de/staff.php
participants (2)
Esben Jannik Bjerrum
J B Procter