On Wed, Jul 21, 2004 at 11:34:39AM -0500, akshay17 wrote: > I tried rearranging parameters and Atom_ids which were > written in wrong order in my .rsr file. This time, it > says "segmentation fault (core dumped)". I recognize my > problem somewhat similar to Mr. Daniele Bemporad's but as > advised by you, i think in his .rsr file also, the > parameters and Atom_ids are other way around. Anyway, i > guess there might be some other problem apart from that. I > am attaching my .rsr, .top & .log files.
With all the provided input files, I have been able to run your same calculation here. It runs to completion with no errors with mod6v2. Therefore it would appear to be a bug in the version of Modeller distributed with Insight II. We do not build or support Insight II; you will have to take up this problem with Accelrys. Alternatively, you can run your input files through the academic mod6v2, assuming you qualify for an academic license (your email address would suggest that you do).
Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker