My name is Amanda and I`ve read that changing modeller seed helps to achieve a better model. In my top file, where can I put the new comand? And how to write it? I know that the number must be negative. Sorry for the stupid question. Thank you in advance!
Amanda Maia
INCLUDE # Include the predefined TOP routines SET OUTPUT_CONTROL = 1 1 1 1 1 # uncomment to produce a large log file SET ALNFILE = 'novo_alinhamento.ali' # alignment filename SET KNOWNS = '1MDY' '1NKP' '2QL2' '1HLO' # codes of the templates SET SEQUENCE = 'twist1' # code of the target SET STARTING_MODEL = 1 SET ENDING_MODEL = 100 CALL ROUTINE = 'model' # do homology modelling
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