Hi, I'm trying to model a large protein(763 amino acids) with a distant template obtained from mGenThreader...but when i run the model.py command (as shown in tutorial), i get the following: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Type 'mod8v2' to run Modeller.
C:\Modeller>mod8v2 c:\Mitra\Project_Experiments\the_align\theAlignment.top 'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
C:\Modeller>mod8v2 c:\Mitra\Project_Experiments\the_align\model.py 'import site' failed; use -v for traceback Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\Mitra\Project_Experiments\the_align\model.py", line 9, in ? a.make() File "C:\Modeller\modlib\modeller\automodel\automodel.py", line 100, in make self.homcsr(exit_stage) File "C:\Modeller\modlib\modeller\automodel\automodel.py", line 331, in homcsr
aln.check() File "C:\Modeller\modlib\modeller\alignment.py", line 153, in check io=io.modpt, libs=libs.modpt, **vars) File "C:\Modeller\modlib\modeller\util\top.py", line 37, in check_alignment return _modeller.check_alignment(aln, io, libs, *args) _modeller.error: check_a_335E> No alignment.
C:\Modeller> --------------------------------------------------------------------- I checked the alignment file, it seems okay to me...so i can't figure out what's going wrong. Can someone please tell me what could possibly be wrong with the alignment?
Thanks in advance Joy
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