Dear Modellers,
I'm trying to model a ZN-containing (two zn ions) protein with modeller6v2. I used : 'SET HETATM_IO = on' in the .top file and the following syntax in the .ali file : ------------------------------------------ >P1;template structure:template:2:A: :A: : : : ANHD...VGN---LYPE-/zz*
>P1;target sequence:target: : : : : : : : ANHD...VGNPL-LYR-G/zz* ---------------------------------------------
I renamed the ZN in the template pdb file to ZN2 and the residue numbers are continuous.
The model building results in a model where the overall structure of the model looks almost good, but the zn atoms are PLACED FAR AWAY from the model backbone.
I tried to solve this problem many times without success so far. So, I would be very happy if anybody could help me.
Thanks to all in advance,
******************************************** Michael Knoll
email : michael.knoll@itb.uni-stuttgart.de ********************************************