So far, I know:
1) structureX or structure didnĀ“t make a difference (I used both) 2) As far as the manual goes, the minimum second line of a sequence can be: "structure:1cx1" or as complex as "structure:1cx1: : : : : : : :" or "structureX:1cx1:FIRST:@:LAST:@" anyway none of they works....
3)However, I can run the examples and get the apropriate result on them (doing the "Run_tests" or "mod6v2 topfile.top").
And I used to think of the Xplor language as complicated.... ;)
Thanks, Luis
----- Original Message ----- From: "Guittet, Muriel" Guittet@vegmail.ucdavis.edu To: "Luis Rosales" ludwig@biomedicas.unam.mx Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 5:27 PM Subject: RE: New to mod6v2 (cont...)
> Hi, > I'm sorry... At first look I don't know what could be wrong. > I just saw once in the users' list that it was better to use "structureX" than "structure" alone (but I know it should work with structure...) > I cannot read exactly if there isn't a blank after 1cx1 in your aln file (I don't know if it is important or not, but I encountered some tricky problems like using caps or not, or because my file was an rtf file instead of a txt one... so) > At least, aren't you supposed to precise the name of the chain even if it is FIRST:@:LAST:@ > good luck > Muriel >