27 Jan
27 Jan
12:15 p.m.
I'm the systems administrator for a research lab using Modeller 9v3. I've installed the x86_64 RPM file on a pair of Xeon X5355 based systems and some Opteron 6136 based systems. The researchers are reporting getting radically different results between these two systems. I've done some testing and Opteron 252 based systems give the same results as the Opteron 6136 systems and Xeon X5570 systems give the same results as the Xeon X5355.
I'm working on getting a set of results I can post, but has anyone seen anything like this before? I was being shown summaries where the final results were different in value by 1.5
Thank you.
Bob Healey
Systems Administrator
Biocomputation and Bioinformatics Constellation
and Molecularium
(518) 276-4407