Hi Ben, >> Do you know of any problems with Modeller and recent versions of Fedora? >> Can you confirm that Modeller will work with Python 2.7 - the version >> that runs on Fedora 14 systems. The package is essential for one of our >> research groups and I would be very grateful for any help or advice you >> can give me. > > Python 2.7 is not supported "out of the box": see > http://salilab.org/modeller/release.html#rpm > where we state the versions of Python that are supported (2.3 through > 2.6). Since Python 2.7 was released after Modeller 9v8, we could not > include Python 2.7 support. > > The good news, however, is that the binary interface did not change > between Python 2.5 and Python 2.7, so you can simply make a couple of > links to add 2.7 support to Modeller. Try the following command > (should be run all on one line): > > cd /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ && sudo ln -sf > ../../python2.5/site-packages/_modeller.so _modeller.so && sudo ln -sf > /usr/lib/modeller9v8/modlib/modeller modeller > > (If you don't have sudo set up on your system simply remove the two > 'sudo's from this command and run the whole thing as the root user.) > > This is assuming you installed the Modeller RPM package on a 64-bit > Fedora machine. If you have a 32-bit machine, replace 'lib64' with 'lib'. > > Thanks so much for this - it works perfectly.
Susan Hutchinson