Hello Mengmeng
Yes, you need to make a one letter code definition. Although it is parametrized, all the one letter codes are used for other residue types. If you want to use NAD, assign a one letter code to it (probably taken from some other residue) and comment out the other one for the time being (#).
Andras bessiew wrote: > > Dear Modeller, > > I'm using Modeller6v1 now. I'm so happy that in the library there is NAD and > NADH so that I could get the homology with NAD or NADH in it not as heteratom. > > But I'm having problem in including NAD. In the file restyp.lib, the symbol > for NAD or NADH is #. What symbol should I use to represent NAD or NADH in the > alignment file, Using # or I should make some definition for them? > > Any kind help is highly appreciated. > > Sincerely, > Mengmeng Wang