Hi modellers,
I have some problems with including heteroatoms in my models.
In my pdb-template file there is an HETATM entry at the end (in this case it´s CA).
I've switched the HETATM_IO option on in the modeller top-file.
Now if I add the residue type number 3 at the end of my alignment, it looks like this :
>P1;755 structure:755: : : : : : : : . . . THANRLKLAGV3* >P1;5 sequence:5: : : : : : : : . . . THANRLLLAGV3*
This additional entry leads to models which have the correct heteroatom modelled.
Now I want to change the residue type number 3 into a wildcard so that in other cases every possible heteroatom could be modelled without looking at the template pdb-file. If I place . instead of 3, the modeller log-file shows following error-massage : Alignment sequence not found in PDB file:
Can you tell me if it´s possible to use such a wildcard, or do I have to select the right residue type number for each HETATM-type.
Thanks in advance, Michael