On 3/17/11 6:18 AM, Susan Hutchinson wrote: > Do you know of any problems with Modeller and recent versions of Fedora? > Can you confirm that Modeller will work with Python 2.7 - the version > that runs on Fedora 14 systems. The package is essential for one of our > research groups and I would be very grateful for any help or advice you > can give me.
Python 2.7 is not supported "out of the box": see http://salilab.org/modeller/release.html#rpm where we state the versions of Python that are supported (2.3 through 2.6). Since Python 2.7 was released after Modeller 9v8, we could not include Python 2.7 support.
The good news, however, is that the binary interface did not change between Python 2.5 and Python 2.7, so you can simply make a couple of links to add 2.7 support to Modeller. Try the following command (should be run all on one line):
cd /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ && sudo ln -sf ../../python2.5/site-packages/_modeller.so _modeller.so && sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/modeller9v8/modlib/modeller modeller
(If you don't have sudo set up on your system simply remove the two 'sudo's from this command and run the whole thing as the root user.)
This is assuming you installed the Modeller RPM package on a 64-bit Fedora machine. If you have a 32-bit machine, replace 'lib64' with 'lib'.
Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker