Hi, I have a couple of questions I hope someone has answers for please.....
Using the model-profile.py script I can produce a .profile file which can be read by the dopeplot perl script to generate 2 .dat files and a .png image of the DOPE scores. Firstly, the .png that i get just plots the psudoenergy of the template against that of the target, instead of plotting both energies against residue number (attached). Has anyone else encountered this problem?
When I try and just strip the energies from the final line of the .profile (s) and plot them using GNUPLOT, I can get a plot, but the problem (I think) is that my target and template are of different lengths, so I am unsure how to interpret the differences in the energies as i dont think the gaps in alignment are taken into account? I suppose I could add these gaps manually but I would hope there would be a better way of doing this? the dat files of the target and template are attached.
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