Hi, I am trying to model circular permutation in my protein which is a beta barrel and I modeled it the following way-- AAAA-----BBB--------CCC------- A and B comprise the two halves of beta barrel and ---- refers to a cut in the loop region of beta barrel where the other domain has to be attached ... I generated some 20 models but none of them was satisfactory as the beta-barrel gets distorted in each of those models.. Can any body tell how can I achieve good models for modeling circular permutation ???
---------- Bharat
Ph.D. Candidate
Room No. : 7202A, 2nd Floor
Biomolecular Engineering Laboratory
Division of Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science
Pusan National University
Busan -609735
South Korea
Lab phone no. - +82-51-510-3680, +82-51-583-8343
E-mail : monu46010@yahoo.com