In message 9C5166762F311146951505C6790A9CF802EF112D@US-VS1.corp.mpi.com (on 12 November 2004 14:42:00 -0500), Omar.Stradella@mpi.com (Stradella, Omar) wrote: >Are there any experienced users of Modeller out there that have tried >other homology modeling software like Prime from Schrodinger or MOE from >the Chemical Computing Group ?.
No, but I am looking at using a combination of open-source programs (e.g., CONGEN for energy minimization, Pfam for alignments when a good enough profile is available, etcetera) and home-built software (which will likewise be available on an open-source basis) for doing essentially the same thing, at least for relatively short differences between proteins. (If anyone knows of more directly applicable open-source (or public-domain with source code available) software, I would be very interested in taking a look at it!) I have been concentrating on some other aspects of my particular research project, however, so cannot say how well this is going to work.