Dear Modellers,
I am attempting to use Modeller to model a number of loops into a very large protein system, and am having a few problems. (I am relatively new
to Modeller so please excuse any dumb questions)
I have 4 suitable structures which I wish to use as templates for the missing loop regions in my main structure. The problem I have is that I want to constrain the coordinates of my model to a greater extent towards that of the template which has the loops missing, I then want to use the
remaining templates to build in the loops.
This seems a similar problem to one described in the FAQ: ('5. I don't want to use one region of a template for construction of my model') however, due to the large number of loops missing, and the length of my sequence (~1000 residues) this would be extremely laborious, with plenty of room for error.
I was wondering if anyone had any similar experience, and could advise me as to an appropriate strategy.
Graham Tyrrell
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Graham Tyrrell Email (Work) : tyrrell@yorvic.york.ac.uk (Personal) : gpt103@york.ac.uk
Telephone : (01904) 432550 -----------------------------------------------------------------------