The new version of Modeller, 9v1, is now available for download! Please see the download page at http://salilab.org/modeller/ and the release notes at http://salilab.org/modeller/release.html for information.
If you have a license key for Modeller 8, there is no need to reregister for Modeller 9v1 - the same license key will work. (It won't do any harm to reregister if you want to, though!)
What's new in 9v1? (For a full list, see http://salilab.org/modeller/release.html#new ) # Modeller is now distributed as a shared library, allowing it to be used with other Python-based applications, or to be extended by the user. # New DOPE-HR assessment method, and DOPE-based loop modeling. # Speed improvements for profile searches. # HDF5 format now used for all binary files. # Much more flexible Python objects used for atom selections, model optimizations, schedules, symmetry, pseudo atoms, and restraints. # Improved handling of multi-chain models. # Quasi-Newton minimization, self-guided dynamics, and rigid bodies.
If you encounter bugs in Modeller 9v1, please see http://salilab.org/modeller/manual/node10.html for information on how to report them.
Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker