2 Jul
2 Jul
8:34 a.m.
On 7/1/18 11:18 AM, Aparna Bahuguna wrote: > I installed modeller on Macbook Pro OS X Yosemite 10.10.5. But it does > not work. I made the python files and transferred them to the bin folder > in library.
The /Library directory on your Mac is for system tools - you should not put your own files there or change anything in that directory. This is why you are getting a "permission denied" error. Put your Modeller scripts in a folder under your home directory or on your desktop, and then run them exactly as you have been doing.
Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker
modeller-care@salilab.org https://salilab.org/modeller/
Modeller mail list: https://salilab.org/mailman/listinfo/modeller_usage