On 2/4/11 1:56 PM, flavio seixas wrote: > I'm trying to built a protein with 4 identical chains using the > symmetry restrain to CA atoms as section "2.2.11 Building multi-chain > models with symmetry" from modeller 9v7 manual. ... > The problem is that the program stops and the following error message > appears at the shell: > self.restraints.symmetry.append(symmetry(s1, s2, s3, s4, 1.0)) > TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 4 arguments (6 given)
Just like the error message says, you cannot create a symmetry element that contains 4 selections. As in the example, it can only contain 2 selections; it is a pairwise restraint. So you would need to restrain each pair (s1-s2, s2-s3 and s3-s4) individually.
For an example, see http://salilab.org/archives/modeller_usage/2009/msg00084.html
Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker