Respected Sir, Myself Apurba Kumar Samal, student of indian institute of information technology Allahabad. Sir I am doing my project on structure of Falcipain-3, a cystiene protease from PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM.I am using your software for modelling,MODELLER7v7. When i verify the structure by verification server it shows deviation in bone length. For rectification i tried to use bond restrain. It gives the x.rsr files. I could not understand how can I use that file to rectify my model. How can I use that file to rectify my model. what are the command i have to use this file on my predicted structure.Sir my work has now stopped for that please sir help me how to move further. Waiting for your positive and early response. Thanking you. Apurba Kumar Samal. M.Tech. Bioinformatics, IIIT-A asamal_bi03@iiita.ac.in