Dear Users,
I am trying to produce a chimeric model as in FAQ number 4. However I am getting the following error using Modeller release 4:-
chkaln___> Checking pairwise structural superpositions: Equivalent CA pairs with distance difference larger than 6.0 angstroms:
ALN_POS TMPL1 TMPL2 RID1 RID2 NAM1 NAM2 DIST ----------------------------------------------------
chkaln___> Checking structure-sequence alignments: Implied target CA(i)-CA(i+1) distances longer than 8.0 angstroms:
ALN_POS TMPL RID1 RID2 NAM1 NAM2 DIST ----------------------------------------------
fit2xyz_E> number of equivalent positions < 3: 2 recover__> MODELLER_STATUS >= STOP_ON_ERROR: 1 1
Can someone tell what this error means,
Tony Pemberton
********************************************************************* Mr. A.J.Pemberton Tel: +121-414-3388 c/o Dept. Rheumatology, Fax: +121-414-3982 Medical School, E-mail: A.J.Pemberton@bham.ac.uk The University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT. U.K. *********************************************************************