Hello Benn,
I am a regular user of MODELLER. I was using 6v2 before this but now I switched to 7v7. I got very strange errors, which I never got in 6v2. Could you please explain. I found some similar posts in concern to these, but no solutions.
--------------log file output----------
assgn___547E> Incorrect element type for variable: OUTPUT_CONTROL Element, element type: 3 Command line: SET OUTPUT_CONTROL = 1 1 1 1 1 assgn___525E> Error in TOP variable assignment. assgn___547E> Incorrect element type for variable: LIBRARY_SCHEDULE Element, element type: 3 Command line: SET LIBRARY_SCHEDULE = 1 assgn___525E> Error in TOP variable assignment. assgn___547E> Incorrect element type for variable: DYNAMIC_COULOMB Element, element type: 3 Command line: SET DYNAMIC_COULOMB = ON assgn___525E> Error in TOP variable assignment. assgn___547E> Incorrect element type for variable: HETATM_IO Element, element type: 3 Command line: SET HETATM_IO = 'on' assgn___525E> Error in TOP variable assignment. assgn___544E> Variable name not recognized: ALNFILE Command line: SET ALNFILE = 'alignment.ali' assgn___525E> Error in TOP variable assignment. assgn___544E> Variable name not recognized: KNOWNS Command line: SET KNOWNS = 'hrc' assgn___525E> Error in TOP variable assignment. assgn___544E> Variable name not recognized: STARTING_MODEL Command line: SET STARTING_MODEL = 1 assgn___525E> Error in TOP variable assignment. assgn___544E> Variable name not recognized: ENDING_MODEL Command line: SET ENDING_MODEL = 5 assgn___525E> Error in TOP variable assignment. assgn___544E> Variable name not recognized: MD_LEVEL Command line: SET MD_LEVEL = 'refine_1' assgn___525E> Error in TOP variable assignment. compile_563E> Please correct the errors reported above and rerun MODELLER. recover____E> ERROR_STATUS >= STOP_ON_ERROR: 1 1
Dynamically allocated memory at finish [B,kB,MB]: 56755 55.425 0.054 Starting time : 2005/03/14 11:07:32.511 Closing time : 2005/03/14 11:07:33.531 Total CPU time [seconds] : 0.99
While model-default.top in examples runs perfectly alright.
What can be the problem?
Please suggest.