On 6/25/16 1:34 PM, Mahesh Velusamy wrote: > I know there is a option to run modeller in multiple cores but How can run > model_single.py in multiple nodes (My wish is to rum 44 nodes where each > node has 16 PROCESSOR).
It's exactly the same. The building of each model is completely independent of all the others, so they are trivial to parallelize. Most simply you can just run the same script on each node, just with a different starting random number seed: https://salilab.org/modeller/9.16/manual/node116.html
If you want to use automodel's parallel job support, rather than using local_slave use one of the other slaves that understands multiple nodes (e.g. ssh_slave) or compute clusters (e.g. sge_pe_slave, sge_qsub_slave).
Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker