On 12/10/10 5:44 AM, Benjamin SCHWARZ wrote: > Bryn wrote: >> I have managed to build the python interface with swig, but fail >> to import IMP from python. I am rather sure that I have installed >> the modules, however I am unsure where I have to point my >> PYTHONPATH to pick them up. The other problem might be that I don't >> know which version of python the modules have been installed. How >> can I work out which version and the location of the python >> executable for which the modules were build?
If you did "scons install" you shouldn't need to play with PYTHONPATH. The modules are made for the system version of Python (the same one that scons uses; generally the one that comes up when you run "python" at the command line). They should be installed in the standard Python search path.
To determine where things were installed, look at the output when you do "scons install". It reports on every file that is installed.
If you want to build the extensions for a different version of Python, use the scons "pythoninclude" variable to specify the directory where Python.h lives (see "scons -h").
> If you did your install through scons; scons install, the python > library should be somewhere in $prefix/lib/pythonXX/site-packages/
Yes, that's the default; set the scons prefix variable (default /usr) to change that for all installed files, or just the pythondir and pyextdir variables to move the pure Python files and Python extensions respectively to a different directory.
> Note that on some architectures the "lib" directory seems to be > replaced by "lib64".
"seems to" is an odd way of describing it. On x86_64 systems, it is, since many Linux variants put 64-bit libraries in /usr/lib64 rather than /usr/lib. You can set the libdir, pythondir and/or pyextdir variables if this isn't what you want on your system.
> or alternatively you can run python or your IMP enables python > scripts using the imppy.sh script imppy python myscript.py
The imppy.sh script is used to test IMP in the build directory; once it's installed correctly you shouldn't need it.
> Ultimately, on some architectures and depending on where I did place > my IMP stuff, I had to add $prefix/lib64 to my LD_LIBRARY_PATH
That sounds like a recipe for disaster! If your system doesn't use /usr/lib64 for 64-bit libraries, simply set the libdir scons variable to /usr/lib.