On 4/3/14, 11:59 AM, Ibai Irastorza wrote: > Yesterday I had 2 running imp's in 2 computers: 2.0.1 version and the > developer version downloaded from github. I deleted both (imp folder and > path lines from bash) to get the 2.1.1 version because I am still using > IMP.restrainer and I need rmf module to make a movie. > > I get this error over and over again in both computers: ... > "/home/bioinfo/Programs/imp-2.0.1/tools/build/make_swig_wrapper.py",
Looks like you have something confused somewhere, if you're trying to build IMP 2.1.1 in the imp-2.0.1 directory. RMF.i is in different places in the two versions.
> I tried to turn off the network as Jan suggested here ,I > tried the developer version also, installed the doxygen 1.8.5 version > also and the same error always.
That particular suggestion was to fix doxygen. The error you've posted above is unrelated.