I intend to branch the Subversion repository for the 1.0 IMP release at 5pm today - I need a semi-stable frozen version in order to build binaries etc. for the release next week.
If you have documentation, bug fixes, examples etc., please commit them before 5pm today.
If you have shiny new features, interface changes, etc. please keep them to yourself for now. ;) Once I make the branches/1.0 branch, trunk will be available once again for new features, but let's try to keep it frozen for now.
The IMP web pages should now be public. However, this means that the wiki and the bug tracker no longer use the Sali lab authentication system - you'll have to go in and manually create accounts. (If you already have a Bugzilla account, and it won't let you change your password, I can reset it for you.)
Those of you that signed the legal stuff that came round earlier, this is your lucky day! There's one last document to fill out prior to release. I will be bugging people for signatures later.
Thanks to everyone for all their hard work!

On 3/5/10 10:48 AM, Ben Webb wrote: > I intend to branch the Subversion repository for the 1.0 IMP release at > 5pm today - I need a semi-stable frozen version in order to build > binaries etc. for the release next week.
OK, the 1.0 branch is ready. Please check it out and play with it:
svn co https://svn.salilab.org/imp/branches/1.0 imp-1.0
If you have further urgent bug fixes, documentation, examples etc. I can still merge them into the 1.0 branch from trunk (the earlier you can commit them to trunk the better, please).
If you have shiny new features, feel free to commit them to trunk - they won't break the release.
participants (1)
Ben Webb