I implemented a collective version of the AngleRestraint. It maintains a bunch of chains (more interesting topology can be added later) and applies the same unary function to each angle along each chain. As before, SConscript etc are not included.
%pythonprepend AnglesRestraint::AnglesRestraint %{ args[0].thisown=0 %}

A CMMLogOptimizerState class is attached. It is similar to the VRML one.

Keren Lasker wrote: > A CMMLogOptimizerState class is attached. It is similar to the VRML one.
Committed as r356. But please run 'scons standards' first next time. ;)

Daniel Russel wrote: > I implemented a collective version of the AngleRestraint.
You seem to have forgotten the implementation of evaluate_angle_restraint().
participants (3)
Ben Webb
Daniel Russel
Keren Lasker