Emails about IMP build failures now go to the IMP-build mailing list, rather than IMP-dev. This makes the IMP-dev mailing list archives a little tidier (no longer cluttered with those emails).
If you were subscribed to IMP-dev, you are also subscribed to IMP-build.
IMP-build contains topic filters, which you can see if go to the IMP-build info page (https://salilab.org/mailman/listinfo/imp-build) and click on 'Unsubscribe or edit options', then log in and scroll down the page. You can use these to choose to get only a subset of build failure messages. For example, if you only work on SAXS, you can select the saxs and saxs_merge filters and then only get an email if the IMP.saxs module or the saxs_merge application fails. (If you select no filters, you get any email if any part of IMP fails, same as before.)
If you want to discuss IMP development but don't actually work on any IMP code, you can unsubscribe from IMP-build if you so choose. The build system results page (http://salilab.org/imp/nightly/tests.html) is still public, of course.
participants (1)
Ben Webb