Changing white space in internal/Vector.h

Added some white space to make it easier to read. The email to commit system is definitely overkill for this :-)
Index: kernel/include/IMP/internal/Vector.h =================================================================== --- kernel/include/IMP/internal/Vector.h (revision 573) +++ kernel/include/IMP/internal/Vector.h (working copy) @@ -33,30 +33,37 @@ public: typedef std::vector<D> P; Vector(){} + template <class It> Vector(It b, It e) { insert(P::end(), b, e); } + Vector(const P &p) { insert(P::end(), p.begin(), p.end()); } + ~Vector(){clear();} + const D& operator[](unsigned int i) const { IMP_check(i < P::size(), "Index " << i << " out of range", IndexException("")); return P::operator[](i); } + D& operator[](unsigned int i) { IMP_check(i < P::size(), "Index " << i << " out of range", IndexException("")); return P::operator[](i); } + void erase(typename P::iterator it) { unref(*it); P::erase(it); } + void erase(typename P::iterator b, typename P::iterator e) { for (typename P::iterator c= b; c != e; ++c) { @@ -64,21 +71,25 @@ } P::erase(b,e); } + unsigned int push_back(D d) { ref(d); P::push_back(d); return P::size()-1; } + void pop_back() { unref(P::back()); P::pop_back(); } + void clear() { for (typename P::iterator it= P::begin(); it != P::end(); ++it) { unref(*it); } P::clear(); } + template <class It> void insert(typename P::iterator it, It b, It e) { for (It c= b; c != e; ++c) {
participants (1)
Daniel Russel