I have started working on an updated introduction to IMP. The current version can be found here https://github.com/salilab/imp/wiki/Introduction-2. All comments are encouraged, as well as direct improvements in the wiki.
Recently in IMP: - You can now (probably) build IMP with CMake. See https://github.com/salilab/imp/wiki/Cmake - The maximum logging level and check level can now be controlled independently of the build mode. To, for example, enable progress level logging in a fast build, add maxlog="PROGRESS" to your config. The maximum check level for `release` has been reduced to IMP::USAGE as that speeds things up a bit. - The way applications are structured an specified has been regularized and simplified. Python files are automatically copied/installed and binary executables are compiled from each found `.cpp` file linked with any `.cpp` files contained in a subdirectory called `lib`. Nothing needs to be put into the SConscript file. - The python constants like IMP.algebra.has_cgal went away as swig autogenerates ones like IMP.algebra.IMP_ALGEBRA_HAS_IMP_CGAL. While the latter are a bit uglier, the constants aren't used much and have them be auto generated in nice. - There have been some major changes to the build system. The main one is that the SConscripts in the directories below the module directory aren't really used. They are being removed from the repository. Now everything really is off of file locations (eg all test_* in test is a test, each *.cpp in bin becomes a program etc). This greatly simplifies the build system, which has, historically been a disaster. You can now define dependencies by dropping files into a dependency subdirectory in your module, no need to mess with the SConscript. - Building IMP now always requires specifying a `repository` argument. This was always required for out of source builds, which is what one should be doing, but is now required for in source builds to, so as to make accidentally poluting your source with an in-source build harder. Use `repository="."` in that case. -...
participants (1)
Daniel Russel