On 1/22/10 9:14 PM, Keren Lasker wrote: > Currently we have a generic XYZR decorator. > For mass we have atom::Mass, but when dealing with beads, it does not > really make sense to use it. > Do you think it makes sense to create a generic XYZRW decorator in core > ? the default W key can be atom::Mass::get_mass_key()
I think it would only make sense to create an XYZRW decorator if you had a specific class of Particle where it doesn't make sense for it to have a weight without coordinates, or vice versa. But it seems to me that you may want to weight Particles that don't have coordinates. Thus, simply adding an attribute for such Particles seems sufficient to me rather than a decorator.
Of course, it may make sense for your specific application to create a non-generic "Bead" decorator, and I see no problem with that.