Hi all
I have this problem when wrapping an overloaded function:
File "test_project.py", line 85, in test_project_Z_opposite result,dy,dx,angles,shift ,tolerance) NotImplementedError: Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'project_given_euler_angles'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: IMP::em::project_given_euler_angles(IMP::em::DensityMap &,IMP::algebra::Matrix2D< float > &,int const,int const,IMP::em::EulerAnglesZYZ const &,IMP::algebra::Vector3D const &,double const) IMP::em::project_given_euler_angles< float >(IMP::algebra::Matrix3D< float > &,IMP::algebra::Matrix2D< float > &,int const,int const,IMP::em::EulerAnglesZYZ const &,IMP::algebra::Vector3D const &,double const)
Although the program complains about a wrong number of arguments, it is correct. I guess that the problem comes from overloading the function. Any help?