5 Jul
5 Jul
Hi all. I'm using the rmf file support to write coordinates of my optimization run. I set up the rmf file in this way
rh = RMF.create_rmf_file("traj.rmf") IMP.rmf.add_hierarchy(rh, self.prot)
and then at each step "i" I save the coordinates in the file
for i in range(10000): mc.optimize(100) IMP.rmf.save_frame(rh,i)
Now, the resulting rmf file for my system has a size of about 100 KB per frame, which is only slightly lower than the 120 KB per frame of an appended pdb file. (My optimization run saves 100000 frames, which makes about 10 GB for the rmf). How is it possible that a binary file is that bulky? For comparison, a dcd trajectory frame only occupies 18 KB, for the same system.
Am I doing something wrong?