Hello Everyone,
Thank you for taking the time to join the I/H methods meeting today. We look forward to working together to get more structures deposited into PDB-Dev.
The PDB-Dev website (https://pdb-dev.rcsb.rutgers.edu) is currently down due to a scheduled maintenance for hardware upgrade. It is expected to be up in about 6 hours. In the meantime, all the examples on PDB-Dev can be also accessed on the Github site ( https://github.com/ihmwg/IHM-dictionary/tree/master/examples). Please feel free to clone/download the Git repository and visualize these structures with ChimeraX. If you encounter any problems. please reach out to me or Ben (ben@salilab.org) or Tom (goddard@cgl.ucsf.edu).
The meeting summary from today will be updated on the Github repository wiki page (https://github.com/ihmwg/IHM-dictionary/wiki/Meetings). The next meeting will be roughly in a month. We will update you with the data and time as we get closer to the meeting.
Thank you once again.
participants (1)
Brinda Vallat