I try to build a model by using basic tutorial, that begin with only protein sequence, to look for potential templates. However, i have encountered a problem during build_profile.py loading, it generate problem as below:
Protein specified in ALIGN_CODES<i>, was not found in the alignment file;ALIGN_CODES< 1>= ALL The alignment file i saved in plain text format, with suffix .ali (bleg1_2439.ali), is that affected the reading by modeller? I don't specified the templates are used, so just follow the python file from basic example, the only thing i change, is only the align file that attached above..
Your feedback is important and appreciated..
Thank you
from modeller import *
env= environ()
# Prepare the input files
# Read in the sequences database
sdb = sequence_db(env)
sdb.read(seq_database_file='pdb_95.pir', seq_database_format='PIR',
chains_list='ALL', minmax_db_seq_len=(30, 4000), clean_sequences=True)
# Write the sequence database in binary form
sdb.write(seq_database_file='pdb_95.bin', seq_database_format='BINARY',
# Now, read in the binary database
sdb.read(seq_database_file='pdb_95.bin', seq_database_format='BINARY',
# Read in the target sequence/alignment
aln = alignment(env)
aln.append(file='Bleg1_2439.ali', alignment_format='PIR', align_codes=['ALL'])
# Convert the input sequence/alignment into
# profile format
prf = aln.to_profile()
# Scan sequence database to pick up homologous sequences
prf.build(sdb, matrix_offset=-450, rr_file='${LIB}/blosum62.sim.mat',
gap_penalties_1d=(-500, -50), n_prof_iterations=1,
check_profile=False, max_aln_evalue=0.01)
# Write out the profile in text format
prf.write(file='build_profile.prf', profile_format='TEXT')
# Convert the profile back to alignment format
aln = prf.to_alignment()
# Write out the alignment file
aln.write(file='build_profile.ali', alignment_format='PIR')